of CBE's research reports are publicly available. Electronic
versions are offered in PDF format, free of charge.
Center for the Built Environment Research Publication List. April 2003. (90K)
Federspiel, C., R. Martin, and Hannah. Yan
Comfort Models and Complaint Frequencies. CBE Summary
Report, April 2003 (800K)
Salter, C., K. Powell, D. Begault, and R. Alvarado,
Case Studies
of a Method for Predicting Speech Privacy in the Contemporary
Workplace. CBE Summary Report, January 2003 (2MB)
Federspiel, C. C., Q. Zhang, and E. Arens,
Benchmarking with Application to Laboratory Buildings.
Energy and Buildings, 34(3), pp. 203-214, 2002.
Federspiel, C., G. Liu, M. Lahiff, D. Faulkner, D. Dibartolomeo,
W. Fisk, P. Price, and D. Sullivan,
Performance and Ventilation: Analyses of Individual Data
for Call-Center Workers. Proceedings, Indoor Air 2002,
Monterey, CA, June 2002. (29K)
Fisk, W., P. Price, D. Faulkner, D. Sullivan, D. Dibartolomeo,
C. Federspiel, G. Liu, and M. Lahiff,
And Ventilation Rate: Analyses Of Time-Series Data For A
Group Of Call-Center Workers. Proceedings, Indoor Air
2002, Monterey, CA, June 2002. (49K) This collaborative
study was primarily funded by the US Department of Energy.
Webster, T., F. Bauman, J. Reese and M. Shi,
Stratification Performance of Underfloor Air Distribution
(UFAD) Systems. Proceedings, Indoor Air 2002, Monterey,
CA, June 2002. (61K)
Huizenga, C., K. Laeser, and E. Arens,
A Web-Based
Occupant Satisfaction Survey for Benchmarking Building Quality.
Proceedings, Indoor Air 2002, Monterey, CA, June 2002. (41K)
Webster, T., F. Bauman, and J. Reese,
Air Distribution: Thermal Stratification. ASHRAE Journal,
May 2002. (682K)
Webster, T., R. Bannon and D. Lehrer,
Teledesic Broadband
Center Field Study. CBE Summary Report, April 2002 (680K)
Lehrer, D.,
a Case for Building Performance. Line Online, AIA San
Francisco Chapter, August, 2001 (25K)
Bauman, F., and T. Webster,
for Underfloor Air Distribution. ASHRAE Journal, June
2001. (390K)
Webster, T., F. Bauman and E. Ring
Supply Fan Energy
Use in Pressurized Underfloor Air Distribution Systems.
CBE Summary Report, October 2000. (280K)
Brager, G., and R.J. de Dear,
Standard for Natural Ventilation. ASHRAE Journal, October
2000. (1.0MB)
Brager, G., E. Ring, and K. Powell,
Mixed-mode Ventilation:
HVAC Meets Mother Nature. Engineered Systems, May 2000,
pp. 60-70. (80K)
Bauman, F., T. Webster and P. Pecora,
How Low Can You Go?
Air Flow Performance of Low-Height Underfloor Plenums. CBE
Summary Report, October 1999. (189K)
Murray, S., and K. Powell,
Office Tenant
Needs Study CBE Summary Report, October 1999. (86K)
Bauman, F.,
Giving Occupants
What They Want: Guidelines for Implementing Personal Environmental
Control in Your Building. Proceedings, World Workplace
1999, Los Angeles, October 1999. (98K)
Federspiel, C. C., Q. Zhang, and E. Arens,
Field Studies/Performance Feedback. Final Report to
California Institute for Energy Efficiency, December 1999
Bauman, F., A. Baughman, G. Carter, and E. Arens,
A Field Study
of PEM (Personal Environmental Module) Performance in Bank
of America's San Francisco Office Buildings. University
of California, Berkeley, April 1998. (2.4MB)
Bauman, F., and E. Arens,
Conditioning Systems: Engineering and Application Guidelines.
Center for Environmental Design Research, University
of California, Berkeley, October 1996. (2 MB)